To tylko lalka (w razie gdybyscie, jak pol facebooka, pomysleli ze to prawdziwe malenstwo;)).
Jej autor, artysta Jason Clay Lewis, stworzyl ja z mysla o katastrofie w Zatoce Meksykanskiej, tatuaze przedstawiaja brudne od ropy pelikany czy karpia plywajacego w czarnej wodzie. Lalko-rzezba zatytuowana zostala "Drill baby, drilled" od republikanskiego sloganu "drill baby drill" ("wwiercaj sie malenki, wwiercaj") promujacego zwiekszenie wydobycia ropy naftowej.
Ta i wiele innych prac Jasona
Just to calm you down, it's not a tattooed baby (half of Facebook thought so;)), it's just a sculpture.
Its author, an artist Jason Clay Lewis got inspired by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. As you may see the tattoos show birds covered with oil, and fish are swimming in dark water. The sculpture doll was named "Drill baby drilled" after the "drill baby drill" republican campaign for increased drilling for petroleum.
This artwork and many more of Jason's you will find just by clicking