środa, 23 października 2013


Lee Harnden to znana postać w światku australijskiego graffiti. Szybko zdał sobie sprawę, że postaci jakie maluje znacznie mocniej oddziałują na publikę niż klasyczne liternictwo, zaczął więc eksperymentować z portretami. Z muru szybko przeniósł się na płótno, aktualnie portretując ludzi którzy mieli spory wpływ na jego życiowe wybory.
As I began painting characters I realized they had more impact on the wider audience then just a traditional graffiti lettering, so then I began doing both. As time has gone on I guess my characters on the wall have just evolved onto canvas. - See more at: http://www.acclaimmag.com/arts/interview-lee-harnden/#sthash.uxWZubk4.dpuf

I remember when I opened my
I remember when I opened my
As I began painting characters I realized they had more impact on the wider audience then just a traditional graffiti lettering, so then I began doing both. As time has gone on I guess my characters on the wall have just evolved onto canvas. - See more at: http://www.acclaimmag.com/arts/interview-lee-harnden/#sthash.uxWZubk4.dpuf
As I began painting characters I realized they had more impact on the wider audience then just a traditional graffiti lettering, so then I began doing both. As time has gone on I guess my characters on the wall have just evolved onto canvas. - See more at: http://www.acclaimmag.com/arts/interview-lee-harnden/#sthash.uxWZubk4.dpuf
Lee Harnden is a well respected figure in Australian graffiti community. As he began painting characters he realized they had more influence on the audience than just lettering, so he bagan doing both. Soon he started painting on canvas as well. Currently, Hardnen is painting a series of portraits of people that have come into his life and had some impact on him.