niedziela, 28 lutego 2010


- Gułag?
- Co zrobił?
- Pisał wiersze

- Gulag?
-What did he do?
- Wrote poems

Brad Anderson's "Transsiberian"

sobota, 27 lutego 2010


The Simpsons, sezon 5 odcinek 17
The Simpsons, season 5 episode 17

piątek, 26 lutego 2010


"Give me a good film noir and a bottle of gin
I'll be happy just to stay inside,
I didn't want to get too involved
But I like how hard you tried.

To my horror,
A former lover told me you've always had a swallow tattoo
Now you tell me it's a sign of devotion
But devotion to who?

Don't think I'm a martyr to the cause
She's got her reasons putting cats amongst the pigeons
But I'd rather just stay indoors.

An antique emblem set in ink
It didn't mean a thing to you,
And I've been 'round by proxy
Goodbye, happiness, I hardly knew ya.

To my horror,
A former lover told me you've always had a swallow tattoo
Now you tell me it's a sign of devotion
But devotion to who?

You fill me, you fill me
You fill me with emotion
You fill me with emotion
I still want, I still want to jump
I want to jump your bones.

Don't tell her, tell her anything
Because I'm bound to see her later today
And if she can't keep a straight face
Then I'll know.
To my horror,
A former lover told me you've always had a swallow tattoo
Now you tell me it's a sign of devotion
But devotion to who?

I'd rather just stay indoors."

The Long Blondes "Swallow Tattoo"

czwartek, 25 lutego 2010


"Tatuaż" Leszek Sobocki, olej, 1978
"Tattoo" by Leszek Sobocki, oil, 1978

galeria artysty/atrist's gallery

środa, 24 lutego 2010


POL:"Tattoo Tester pozwala na stworzenie wlasnych, czsowych tatuazy. W zestawie znajduje sie tez broszura informacyjna na temat historii tatuazu i troche danych statystycznych"

ENG: "This Tattoo Tester is a kit that comes with certain papers so that the user can create custom temporary tattoos (transfer paper and carbon paper). The kit also includes a brochure with information on tattoo statistics and a brief history of tattooing."

Praca / Created and designed by JuliAnn Miller. kliknij po wiecej/click for more

sobota, 20 lutego 2010


Serpent, Snake's alterego from "Bartman Begins" of 18th season.
Serpent, alterego Snakea z "Bartman początek" w 18. sezonie.

piątek, 19 lutego 2010


"Someone's knocking on my kitchen door, leave the wood outside, what,
All the girls here are freezing cold. Leave me with your Borneo.
I said, I don't need much to keep me warm.
And don't stop now what you're doing, what you're doing my ugly one.
Bring them all here, hard to hide a-ahundred girls in your hair.
It won't be fair if I hate her, if I ate her. You can go now, you can go now.

You're already in there. I'll be wearing your tattoo, yes. You're already in there.

Got a cloud sleeping on my tongue.
He goes, then it goes and kiss the violets as they're waking up.
Leave me with your Borneo, I said, leave me the way I was before but,

You're already in there. I'll be wearing your tattoo, yes.
I'm already in circles and circles and circles again.
The girl's in circles and circles, circles again.
The girl's in circles and circles and circles again.
The girl's in circles and circles and circles again, well.

Someone's knocking on my kitchen door, leave the wood outside, what,
All the girls here are freezing cold.
You can go now, you can go now, you can go now, you can go now.

You're already in there. I'll be wearing your tattoo, yes.
You're already in there. Thought I was over the bridge now, over the bridge now.

I'm already in circles and circles and circles again.
The girl's in circles and circles, got to stop spinning,
Circles and circle, circles again.
The girl's in circles and circles and circles again, well.
Circles and circles, circles again.
The girl's in circles and circles, got to stop spinning,
Circles and circles and circles again.
The girl's in circles and circles and circles again, well."

"Cloud on my tongue" by Tori Amos

here tu be listened/do posluchania:

sent by yadou clik to see some of her work/kliknij by obejrzeć jej prace

czwartek, 18 lutego 2010


Matrioshki Dogs the piercers and tattooers/ Matrioszkowe Psy tatuatorzy i piercerzy

click here to buy/kliknij by kupić

czwartek, 11 lutego 2010


PL: "Celem tatuażu nigdy nie było piękno, lecz zmiana. Począwszy od składanych w ofierze nubijskich kapłanów z dwutysięcznego roku przed naszą erą i wytatuowanych akolitów kultu Kybele ze starożytnego Rzymu po tatuaże moko noszone przez współczesnych Maorysów, ludzie zdobili swoje ciała, aby złożyć je w częściowej ofierze, znosząc fizyczny ból związany z upiększeniem i odmieniając swoje jestestwo.
Mimo złowrogiej przestrogi zapisanej Księdze Kapłańskiej 19,28, zakazującej umieszczania znaków na ciele, tatuaż pozostał obrzędem przejścia dla milionów współczesnych ludzi. Od wygolonych nastolatków i narkomanów po gospodynie domowe z przedmieść.
Czynność tatuowania skóry była wyrazem mocy przemiany, ogłoszeniem światu: Jestem panem własnego ciała. Upajające uczucie władzy czerpane z fizycznej przemiany uzależniło miliony od praktyk zmieniających wygląd ciała... od chirurgii kosmetycznej, kolczykowania, kulturystyki i steroidów... po bulimię i zmianę płci. Ludzki duch pragnie władzy nad swoją cielesną powłoką."

ENG: "The goal of tattooing was never beauty. The goal was change. From the scarified Nubian priests of 2000
B.C., to the tattooed acolytes of the Cybele cult of ancient Rome, to the moko scars of the modern Maori,
humans have tattooed themselves as a way of offering up their bodies in partial sacrifice, enduring the
physical pain of embellishment and emerging changed beings.
Despite the ominous admonitions of Leviticus 19:28, which forbade the marking of one's flesh, tattoos had
become a rite of passage shared by millions of people in the modern age'everyone from clean-cut teenagers
to hard-core drug users to suburban housewives.
The act of tattooing one's skin was a transformative declaration of power, an announcement to the world: I
am in control of my own flesh. The intoxicating feeling of control derived from physical transformation had
addicted millions to flesh-altering practices . . . cosmetic surgery, body piercing, bodybuilding, and steroids .
. . even bulimia and transgendering. The human spirit craves mastery over its carnal shell."

Dan Brown's Lost Symbol / Zaginiony Symbol

wtorek, 9 lutego 2010

poniedziałek, 8 lutego 2010


Geisha Tattoo Girls vol 1
"In this film you will see how tattoo artist Horiwaka works over the naked skin of Japanese amateur models with both his professional and his private needle."

Wytatuowane Gejsze czesc 1.
"Film ukazuje tatuazyste Hiriwake podczas pracy z uzyciem zarowno tego profesjonalnego jak i osobistego sprzetu nad czysta skora japonskich amatorek"

niedziela, 7 lutego 2010


Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken in "Escape From New York".
And who cares that in the movie it's his abdo, not his arm that's tattooed;)

Kurt Russell jako Snake Plissken w "Ucieczce z Nowego Jorku"
I nie wazne ze w filmie ma wytatuowany brzuch nie ramie;)

sobota, 6 lutego 2010

środa, 3 lutego 2010


and a commercial/i reklama

Captain Morgan Tattoo