PL: Brazylijski poeta i artysta Ricardo Domeneck ilustruje swoje wiersze robiac do nich klipy w ktorych bawi sie slowem i cialem.
Wyżej wideo do "Daty produkcji" stworzonego we wspolpracy z Julianem Greifem, niemieckim tatuatorem <--klik i Ulego Budera, muzyka <-klik
ENG: Brazilian poet and artist Ricardo Domeneck illustrates his poems making videos in which he plays with his voice and body.
Above you may watch the video for "Date of Manufacture" created by Ricardo with a German tattooer Julian Geif <-click and a musician Uli Buder <-klik
The lyrics go:
Date of manufacture
to become or not to
the item
one is
supposed to
specific aching
and etching
only to appreciate
the design
of the time
we share
with fellow machines
for whom expiring
is a verb
of action
oh skin
against mass
us while our intestines
question ownership
& predate
our fabrics and tissues
for our predators
Ricardo Domeneck, 2009.