PL: Daniel Verlarde wytatuował sobie mustanga, i po raz drugi, wytatuowal sobie Mustanga:)) "Chciałewm żeby tatuator zaprojektował mi wzór inspirowany Mustangiem, i chciałem tez skustomowac moj samochod w podobny sposob" mowi Verlarde. "W ten sposob, na zawsze bede zwiazany z moim samochodem. Moj sen sie ziscil". Tatuaz zaprojektowal Adam Forman z hollywoodzkiego studia High Voltage Tattoo. Samochod zostal pomalowany przez Luisa Lopeza, artyste z ponadziesiecioletnim doswiadczeniem.
ENG: Daniel Verlarde's got tattooed a mustang on himself and his Ford Mustang itself. "I wanted a tattoo artist to design a 2010 Mustang tattoo and I wanted the creation to be brought to life with the customization of an actual 2010 Mustang," said Verlarde. "This way, I could be a part of the car and the car would always be a part of me. My dream came true.". Verlarde's 2010 Mustang tattoo was created by famed artist Adam Forman at High Voltage Tattoo in Hollywood. His real-life customized 2010 Ford Mustang features paint from Luis Lopez, an artist who has more than 10 years experience in custom paintwork.
PL: Zbieram okruchy bodmodu porozrzucane w tworczosci i tfu!rczosci niebranzowej. Jeśli chcesz się podzielic jakimś cytatem bądź zdjęciem: rdza_spi(maupa)o2(kropka)pl
ENG: The blog is all about collecting crumbles of bodmod that can be found in high art or mainstream culture. If there's anything you'd like to share, just email me: rdza_spi(youknowwhat)o2(dot)pl