PL: "Brimstone" to opowiesc o policjancie ktory po smierci zony spotyka w piekle samego Diabla. Szatan obiecuje Ezekielowi odkupienie, w zamian za zlapanie 113 dusz ktore uciekly z piekla. Zanim jednak Eziekiel wroci na ziemie, Szatan obdarowuje go 113 tatuazami, po jednym na kazda z dusz. Tatuaz znika z ciala Ezekiela gdy dusza ktora symbolizuje wraca do piekla.
Jakosc tego co ogladam jest tak slaba, ze daruje sobie screeny.
ENG: "Brimstone" is a story of a cop who after death of his wife goes to hell and makes a deal with Satan: return 113 escaped souls and gain a chance at redemption. Before he left hell the Devil tattooed 113 cryptic signs on Ezekiel's body. Each sign represented one of the escaped souls. The soul returns, the mark dissapears.
The quality of the version I watch is just crappy, so I decided not to upload any screens.