PL: Nagi Ricky Martin ozdabiany i "odzdabiany" tatuażami w klipie "My Skin Talks" promuje nowa trase "Black and White". Tatuaze , oprocz kilku tribali i ornamentow to glownie hasla w stylu "odnajdź siebie", "przebacz", "kochaj", "zmien swoje zycie", i mimo ze raczej slabe i nieladne, to cale wideo nawet przyjemne dla oka.
ENG: Naked Ricky Martin, being covered and uncovered with tattoos in his new video "My Skin Talks" promotes his upcoming "Black and White" tour. The tattoos are (but few tribals and ormanents) mostly statements such as "find yourself", "forgive","love" etc, and as they're not good at all, the whole video's got that something though.
PL: Zbieram okruchy bodmodu porozrzucane w tworczosci i tfu!rczosci niebranzowej. Jeśli chcesz się podzielic jakimś cytatem bądź zdjęciem: rdza_spi(maupa)o2(kropka)pl
ENG: The blog is all about collecting crumbles of bodmod that can be found in high art or mainstream culture. If there's anything you'd like to share, just email me: rdza_spi(youknowwhat)o2(dot)pl