Adam Saks dunski malarz, znany jest glownie ze wspolpracy z marka Ed Hardy i artystycznym darciem koszulek, ma tez druga, mniej radosna i przytulna strone:
"Wystawa "Dry Your Eyes" to kronika ludzkich ciał których skóra naznaczona jest tatuażem próżności, hierarchizacji i agresji. Fragmenty skał i budowli przenikają ciała, tworząc drapieżna mozaike wzorów i faktur. Technika Adam Saksa oscyluje miedzy ekspresja a zimna kalkulacja wspieranymi przez dawne wyobrazenia lojalnosci, miłosci i brutalnosci. "
Adam Saks, a Danish painter is mostly known for his work for Ed Hardy clothing and artsy cutted T-shirts, but this time, I'm about to show the daker side of the artist:
"In the exhibition Dry Your Eyes you will meet monumental human bodies where the skin with its superimposed signs and tattoos bears witness to vanity, hierarchies and aggression. Fragments of rockscapes and building structures reach across the bodies, creating a kaleidoscopic space that alternates between the tattoo signs, violent natural settings and predators wriggling and turning their way out of rock formations, threatening to break through the canvas. Adam Saks´ pictorial technique alternates between the expressive and cool calculation, sampling motifs from a distant past with such themes as loyalty, love and brutality."