bezdomny z teksasu. planuje wyjechać do los angeles, jak tylko uzbiera pieniądze. tatuaż zrobił sobie rok temu w studiu mystic mark. ma na imie leif, wymawia się jak "life" ("życie" - przyp. rdzy).
homeless man from texas. he's off to los angeles as soon as he can scrape together the cash. got his tattoo done years ago at a place called the mystic mark.his name is leif; pronounced "life."
kiedyś james uwielbiał broń i zwierzęta. miał ich mnóstwo. psy, koty, szczury i tak dalej. pozabijał je wszystkie na haju. nie z broni; wieszał je. mówi, że mu przykro.
ale nie jest mu przykro kiedy myśli o ludziach których zabił. kiedyś w więzieniu zabił toporkiem pedofila. wciąż pamięta dźwięk towarzyszący uderzeniu. więzienna pajęczyna wytatuowana na szyi to "honorowa odznaka" na pamiątkę.
james used to love to keep animals and guns. he would collect both. he had dogs, cats, rats, etc. but he went through a bad period where he was really tweaked out on drugs and he killed them all. he didn't shoot them; he strangled them. says he feels bad about it.
says he doesn't feel bad about the men he's killed. the one he killed in prison was a child molester who had raped a 6 year old boy. it was a hit and he carried it out with no reservations. he stabbed the man through the back of the neck with a pick axe or some such. says he still remembers the sound as the axe went through the man's neck and grated into the bed. the spiderweb prison tattoo on his neck is a "badge of honor" which commemorates the kill.PL:
bezdomny eric z somy. zeby usunąć więzienne tatuaże z rąk, wycina sobie kawałki skóry.
dorastał w domu dziecka. matka prostytutka, wraz z ojcem narkomanem zabili się wdychając spaliny.
zgadza się, że jak na pięciolatka, miał mocno przejebane, ale jak twierdzi, wszystko zawsze tak się jebało.ENG:
homeless eric in soma. he was in prison in new mexico some time before and has prison tattoos up and down his arms. he managed to get away with them except for an inch by inch section on his left arm,
he grew up in the foster system. his parents killed themselves when he was five (carbon monoxide asphyxiation). his mom was a hooker and his dad was a junky.
he agrees that was fucked up for a five year old but says everything's been fucked up like that.PL:
justina z oregonu poznałem, gdy siedział na chodniku i żebrał. tatuaż na twarzy ma od ponad roku.ENG:
justin from oregon sitting on sidewalk. talking up passersby for cash as i come by. has had the face tattoo for a bit more than a year.
ash, bezdomny, młody włóczęga. ash to skrót od imienia które nosi po starożytnym bóstwie śmierci. od dziecka miał do czynienia z policją. mówi, że jego rodzice byli "popierdoleni". gwiazdę na policzku wytatuował sobie w wieku 13 lat.ENG:
young homeless drifter ash. he says he was named for an ancient death god or such and goes by ash for short. he grew up as a ward of the state. says his parents were "fuckers." he got the star tattoo on his face when he was 13.Wiecej na / for more visit
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Tom Stone